Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix as a Superior Strategic Management Tools and Techniques in Evaluating Decision Alternatives
A Multi-Stage Exhibition for Creationizing Strategic Leadership
Evaluation of alternatives to making decisions still remains as the most difficult field for every manager. Considering that uncertainty, stress, emotions and many other factors still remain insurmountable during decision-making in the work of managers. The research will bring a contemporary approach to the evaluation of alternatives through the multi-stage method by conducting a series of exhibitions for an effective decision. Model will create a logical structure derivation of exhibitions by revealing options and paths toward strategic leadership. The research used mixed methods of data collection to create a more meaningful and integrative research design. The sample was elongated over a survey of 250 organizations. The research brings to the surface a clear analysis of the following path as a guide and practically used to gain differentiating advantages towards the long-term through Strategic Attractiveness Position in Industry (ST-API). From this analysis structure, a clearness leadership orientation is created for managers, a recommendation for strategic leadership, revealing a group of strategies to undertake depending on the ST-API dimension IFE (Internal Factor Evaluation) or ST-API dimension EFE (External Factor Evaluation) through crafting "Option's" since the organizations are concentrated in the vicinity of the corner (nook) in quad IV, conclusively in "growth and build". Occurrated in this axle, organizations are advised to orient their actions towards the "develop products" in order to go towards longevity and leaderism in the industry.
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